Homosexual Essays Discrimination
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Manypeople are guilty of discrimination against LGBT youths, whetherconsciously or unconsciously. LGBT youths are faced with dailydiscrimination from society, peers, family and even school teachers andadministrations. The above statistics not only show that LGBT youthslack support and guidance but also prove how much these youths areclearly affected, in more ways than one, by discrimination. Cole (2007)mentions that there is a higher rate of abuse, neglect, anddiscrimination against LGBT youths than straight youths. I believe thatmost parents would prefer their children to be straight than to be gay,and most school officials also prefer straight students over gaystudents. This preference could be a contributing factor indiscrimination against LGBT youths. This paper will hopefully capturethe attention of parents and schools and perhaps help modify theiroutlook on LGBT youths. Fundamentally, I will attempt to answer thefollowing questions throughout the paper: What are the effects ofdiscrimination against LGBT youths? What is the role of the parents?What is the role of the schools? How can parents and schools worktogether to help minimize discrimination against LGBT youths? What morecan be done? Before answering those questions, I will start byaddressing the types of discrimination that LGBT youths are faced with.
Nevertheless, it appears that the majority of thediscrimination against LGBT youths emanates from the schools that theyattend. Are schools taking any actions to minimize discriminationagainst gay students? What are they doing to help these adolescents?The following quote is an explicit example of how schools cancontribute to discrimination against LGBT youths:
Browman (2001) reports that HumanRights Watch completed a two-year study on the topic where an immediateresponse was obtained from educational groups such as: The NationalEducation Association, The Gay, Lesbian, and Straight EducationalAlliance, and The American Federation of Teachers. The three groupsadhered in influencing the Education Department to defend and protectgay and lesbian students from discrimination. They add that schools aremaking an effort to create a safe environment for all students wherethey can all be treated with equal respect and dignity. Accordingly,the department fights to provide the schools with information andguidance to help solve the problem of discrimination against LGBTyouths (Browman, 2001).
The twoprimary sources that have the power and ability to diminishdiscrimination against LGBT youths are schools and parents. In myopinion, they are the ones who have the greatest influence on LGBTyouths and in turn have the ability to reduce substance abuse,educational failure, and suicides. Parents and schools need to realizehow much they can help diminish the effects of discrimination againstLGBT youths if they work together and productively. Clearly, if theyremain on the same page they can ease the agony for LGBT youths andhelp them live a normal and happy life. One method that can beexercised in schools is a homosexual sensitivity training for anti-gaystudents and school officials. The training would benefit both studentsand school officials. I think that it would help the school officialsmanage whatever prejudices they may have against LGBT youths. Sinceanti-gay bullying students are perhaps ignorant to the subject, schoolsshould modify a system where all students can be educated on thesubject. It would probably help the students get a better understandingif homosexuality was compared to other subject matters such as cultureand religion. Students should be provided with a full view of thesubject just like any other. If this method helps only two out of tenanti-gay students cease discrimination against LGBT students, I am surethat it will make a difference. An additional scheme that should beestablished is monthly meetings between school officials and parents toreview the progress of measures that are already in place.
Beforewriting this research paper, I never imagined how immensely affectedLGBT youths were by discrimination. It is awful what they go throughand how most people are clueless or even careless about what theseyouths endure. LGBT youths are faced with discrimination, torture, andsometimes even execution because of who they love, how they look, orwho they are. I believe that sexual orientation and gender identity areintegral aspects of ourselves and should never lead to discriminationor abuse. Doing this research not only made me realize the intensediscrimination suffered by LGBT youths but also had an impact on me.This research has made me want to advocate for more laws and policiesto help protect LGBT youths. I have gained a ton of information andknowledge during this process. However, if my readers obtain half ofthe valuable information that I have obtained, I know that I haveaccomplished my task.
Religion is one of the reasons people do not value homosexuals for what they are, human beings like everyone else. When the case is made for the authenticity of homosexuality, religious people oppose it citing three main reasons. They contend that homosexuality is contrary to nature, condemned in the scripture and that it will ruin the society (Cauthen).
However, these reasons may not be valid. They usually seem relevant for a short duration. The proponents of these ideas keep changing moral standards. Religious people have been using the three concepts to explain the desires of the creator regarding humanity but no longer depend on them (Cauthen). For example, they defended the practice of denying women the right to vote citing that nature had given such rights solely to men. To the contrary, currently, they admit that women have voting rights. This shows that some religious ideologies cause unwarranted discrimination and unnecessary conflicts.
Additionally, homosexual discrimination in society is stuck in the traditions of the past, where men and women are the beginners of families. Different communities have different traditional beliefs. For example, Africans believe that homosexuality is a practice that came from developed nations and should be rejected in entirety. However, it is not true that homosexuality originated from developed countries.
The work of historians and archaeologists provide evidence that there is a history of homosexual practices throughout the continent (Lembembe). Communities attempt to themselves by using both real and perceived traditions. In doing so, they discriminate against homosexuals. The rejection of homosexuality by different communities portrays that people want to keep their traditions, and they consider homosexuality as a threat to their stability and survival.
Homosexuality discrimination comes with a number of effects. Since homosexuals are seen as sources of sin, religious influence limits the possibility that they can form families. Friends and relatives reject homosexuals believing that they will go to hell. Religious rejection often leads the majority of these individuals to destroy their own lives (Holland). In addition, rejection drives them to engage in evils acts such as drug abuse and robbery. Homosexuals who grew up in religious families struggle to reconcile their religious faiths with their homosexual lifestyles. When choosing between faith and sexuality, they experience psychologically damaging difficulties (Holland).
Additionally, homosexuals are rated as incapable of playing parental roles of educating and taking care of their children. Studies indicate that a majority of homosexuals have poor character and cause several problems for their children (Cameron). Research findings such as this provide avenues for discrimination against homosexuals, irrespective of their individual characters. Partly, their family problems are consequences of discrimination.
Conclusively, religion and traditions are the main causes of homosexuality discrimination. The role they play in maintaining useful traditions and morals is essential. However, they should take care of these individuals since the consequences of discrimination are severe. For instance, society should conduct human rights awareness to minimize such discrimination cases.
Homophobia, stigma (negative and usually unfair beliefs), and discrimination (unfairly treating a person or group of people) against gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men still exist in the United States and can negatively affect the health and well-being of this community.
Some people may have negative attitudes toward gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men. These attitudes can lead to rejection by friends and family, discriminatory acts and violence, and laws and policies with negative consequences. If you are gay, bisexual, or a man who has sex with other men, homophobia, stigma, and discrimination can:
Homophobia, stigma, and discrimination can be especially hard for young men who are gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men. These negative attitudes increase their chance of experiencing violence, especially compared with other students in their schools. Violence can include behaviors such as bullying, teasing, harassment, physical assault, and suicide-related behaviors.
Schools can also help reduce stigma and discrimination for young gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men. A positive school environment is associated with less depression, fewer suicidal feelings, lower substance use, and fewer unexcused school absences among LGBT students. Schools can help create safer and more supportive environments by preventing bullying and harassment, promoting school connectedness, and promoting parent engagement. This can be done through the following policies and practices:
Whether you are gay or straight, you can help reduce homophobia, stigma, and discrimination in your community and decrease the negative health effects. Even small things can make a difference, such as supporting a family member, friend, or co-worker. 2b1af7f3a8