Ihra Drag Racing 2 Pc Game Download [HOT]
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GAME PLAY: DRAG RACINGWhile many racing games allow for various styles of racing from driftingto straight line racing, none of them does drag racing. A drag racing gamefocuses on the essentials of drag racing: speeding up, accelerating,braking, and cornering. A drag racing game will always require the useof an accelerator, which varies in nature from one game to the next. Somegames use a throttle, while others require a brake pedal. Some games allowfor manual shifting, while others use automatic shifting. Some games have atime meter, while others simply allow for the car to be set to start whenthe lights are red.
SHOP: ENGINE: TEMPERATUREThe engine temperature is generally kept to a minimum while running. Somegames will allow you to adjust this as needed, but the game will notbe able to simulate the cooling effect of a drag racing engine as this isgenerally a real-life phenomenon.
While the physics engine does have its limits, it is a very impressive one. Thegame does a very good job of immersing the player in the drag racing world,and for a game of this size the features it does have are very impressive. Whileit is a good game, it does take a while to get around.
Gameplay: IHRA Drag Racing 2 is an extremely difficult game to master.Driving around in a drag race is not a simple task, and the control of thecar is very difficult, as the player must drive in ever-so-tight circlesaround the opponent to try and avoid crossing paths. Driving too close to theother cars during a drag race is likely to result in a wreck. Since this gameis a true racing simulation, there is no possibility of victory throughaccident avoidance, but rather through careful driving, which is not a simpletask when you consider that other racers are pressing you from every side.There are many different options and control schemes available for the 827ec27edc