Mr Fingers Can You Feel It Midi File
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You can find this file at the bottom of the Fronimo page. FAQWhy do you want to collect all this material?The reason for collecting this material is to make it easier for beginners to find pieces. Most people are not familiar with finding music, and are forced to listen to what is available, which in many cases isn't very good. Music is a form of art, and it should be treated as such. People should be encouraged to become familiar with the wonderful thing that makes music possible, and that is the composers, and the lutes that they composed for. I really should say that I'd like people to know the composers, since a lute is considered a kind of instrument, and a lute that was composed for (i.e., was written for) is more likely to be good than a lute that was just created by someone.Given the number of pieces available, I'm sure that most of them are useful. The only thing I would ask is that people only use it to find pieces that they enjoy playing. Some people will be interested in using it to find pieces to learn, but others won't be. I want to make sure that they have the freedom to use it however they wish.The idea came from the realization that it would be a lot of work to go to the trouble of finding every piece in one place.Why French?I know that the piece of music is most likely to be in French for a couple of reasons. First, the lutes themselves were made in France. They are not found in the US, or anywhere else. The second reason is that over time the music has been translated into a number of languages. I feel that the French lute is the most popular of the lutes that were played at the time these pieces were written. It is the most widely used of the lutes that were written. By far.I'm sure there are other reasons, but they aren't important to me.Finally, I have been wanting to do this for some time. It is the first time that I have attempted to do something like this. I hope to get a lot of help from this process, and I hope that I will be able to do this for other instruments in the future. 827ec27edc